The schedule for the year is up, there will be 2 weeks of something like like-up games or practice ice available. December December 13th and 14th, and February 28th and 29th. All games must be completed by end of day Feb. 29th. Playoff will run March 6th to 21st.
We do have to have each team work the bar from 7 pm to 10 pm, probably twice through-out the season.
Brad has some potential dates for Bonspiels: Men's January 26th weekend, Ladies February 16th and 17th, and Mixed March 1st weekend. Ladies, our theme this year is DISCO!!!!! Get ready to Party to the sounds of the Bee Gees, ABBA, Donna Summer and more!
All bonspiels will be teams of 4. see Brad for more details.
See you at the club!